According to the figure, the essence of the SOA style is the decoupling of service consumer and service provider via the service contract, ESB messaging, and the service registry. 如图3所示,SOA风格的本质是通过服务契约、ESB消息传输和服务注册达到服务消费者和服务提供者之间的解耦。
So we can find that, in essence, independent director play a role as a guardian of the internal rule to fulfill imperfect corporate contract. 独立董事的本质作用是,客观上它是不完全契约在履行过程中其内在规则的监护人,它有利于平衡公司契约履行中众多利益相关者分享公司控制权的要求,从而使合作关系稳定和谐。
The essence of this principle is to defend the freedom of contract. 情事变更原则的本质是维护合同自由。
In essence the choice of legal mode of obligatory rights assignment is to define the characteristics and function of contract and notification of obligatory assignment, and also define the role they play in the activities of obligatory assignment. 确定债权让与的法律模式,实质就是确定债权让与合同与债权让与通知各自的性质和地位,明确它们在债权让与中发挥的作用。
For this aim, it is necessary to analysis the various elements of the international travel contract legislative relation and state the contained interests to help the people to realize their essence and clarify the special points of the international contract. 为此目的,有必要分析国际旅游合同法律关系所涉及的各种关键因素,以助于人们认识其本质,分辨国际旅游合同存在的特殊性。
From the legal point of view, there are many cognitive understandings of the essence of marriage leading to various doctrines, such as the contract theory, identity theory, marriage ethics theory, institution theory and so on. 从法律的角度看,对婚姻的本质有诸多认识,也形成了各种学说,如:契约说、身份关系说、婚姻伦理说、制度说等。
Viewed from the reality, the essence of the enterprise is the unity of the basic dual regulat "production" and "contract". 从现实的角度看,企业的本质是“生产”和“契约”两重基本规定性的统一。
The essence of the policy escape is the contract adjustment and distribution of the profit adjusted and distributed by the policy. It is a functional impediment of the realization of the policy target in the implementation. 如果说政策的本质是利益的调整与分配,那么政策规避的本质是对政策所调整和分配的利益的反向调整与分配,是政策执行过程中政策目标实现的一种功能性障碍。
Based on the analyses of the engineering contract status, the essence and the mathematic description of the construction claims were showed up. An engineering contract status control model was established. 在合同状态分析的基础上揭示了施工索赔的本质及其函数表达式,并建立了工程合同状态控制的2种索赔模型。
Based on the spirit of the contract and the essence of the human being, this paper analyzes that the administrative contract plays a very important role in the government credit construction under the market economy. 本文主要从行政合同所具有的契约精神和人本特性出发,分析了在市场经济体制下行政合同这一市场化政府行为对政府信用建设的作用。
The application of law of the international contract experienced an origin and development that went to law of nations to law merchant in the Middle Ages from conflict of laws to unify private law. The essence of them is to seek to adjust the international contract relation. 国际合同的法律适用经历了从罗马万民法到中世纪商人法再到冲突法及至统一私法的沿革,其实质是在寻找调整国际合同关系的适当法;
Through expounding the essence of corporate law, the writer devises the optimum contract model of the contract route of corporate law. 通过对契约优化过程的探讨和公司法本质的阐述,给出了公司法契约路径的最优理念模型。
Postal communications contract is in essence a kind of civil contracts, which should be included in the contract subsection of future civil code. 邮政通信合同在性质上是一种民事合同,应将其纳入未来民法典合同分则予以规定。
A Probe of the Essence of Marriage in the Light of Contract 以契约理念透视婚姻本质
The function and characteristic of the insurance mechanism determines the essence of the insurance relationship is the contract net that is connected by the insurance contract and centered by the insurer. 保险机制的功能和特点决定了整个保险关系实质上是以保险人居于中枢地位,通过保险合同将各投保人利益连接在一起的合同关系网。
Owing to its recent birth of knowledge about the essence of taxation, some deficiencies still inevitably exist in the theory of taxation as contract. 由于税收契约论是针对税收本质认识的新理论,因此难免有其不足之处。
First, through the analysis of the essence of contract translation, the author considers that the ultimate purpose of contract translation is to make the translated text have the same legal effect with the original, so that it is very important to analyze the original text precisely. 首先,通过对合同翻译本质的解析,作者认为,合同翻译的根本目的是为了让译本达到与原文本一致的法律效果。为了达到这个效果,对原文本进行精确解读则显得尤为重要。
Autonomy should be the core and essence of the Civil law and contract, particularly in the areas of the classical concept of law, that law is a tool for the implementation of the agreement of the parties, the contract should take precedence over the law. 意思自治本应是民法及其合同的精髓和核心所在,尤其在经典的法理念中,认为法律不过是执行当事人协议的工具,合同应优先于法律。
The essence of freedom of contract is that the premise to set up contract must ensure the agreement of parties 'will, Contractual rights and obligations are reasonable and have legal effect if and only if parties' meaning agrees. 契约自由的实质是契约的成立以当事人的意思表示一致为必要,契约权利义务仅以当事人的意思成立时,才具有合理性和法律上的效力。
In essence of the right to pledge the accounts receivable function indicates that the contract claims are likely to be the legal transfer. 从本质上来质押权的功能预示着应收账款合同债权有其被转让的法律可能。
This section first relates to the essence of the void contract is to limit the freedom of contract, and to protect public interest. 本部分首先论述了无效合同的本质是对契约自由的限制以及基于维护社会公共利益考虑。
It compares four doctrines with big influence in western economics with current knowledge of the essence of taxation in China, reaching the conclusion that the theory of taxation as contract gets dominant in theory. 本文通过与目前西方经济学中影响较大的四个学说以及我国目前的税收本质认识相比较,得出税收契约论具有较大理论优势的结论。
SMEs in the growth phase of the control of the arrangements are the essence of the contract between the main stakeholders in a balanced game, and the contract does not make complete control over the configuration as a vital institutional arrangements. 处于成长阶段的中小企业控制权安排其实质是契约各相关利益主体之间的一种博弈均衡状态,合约的不完全性使得控制权配置作为一种制度安排至关重要。
In essence, standard form develops on the base of the freedom of contract and it is a rebirth of contract freedom. 从本质上看,格式合同是以契约自由原则为理论基础产生而发展的,是契约自由的新生。
This paper wants to clear the legal attribute of physician-patient relationship, define the essence of physician-patient relationship is contractual relation, and analyze the characteristic and some basic questions of medical contract systematically. 本文所要解决的主要问题是明确医患关系的法律属性,确立医患关系的实质是合同关系,并对医疗合同的性质进行系统分析,探讨医疗合同的一些基础问题。
The analysis reveals the contents of the existing system set biased towards the realization of national employment policies, but it ignored the essence of the contract agreement, lack of contract formation, validity, performance, modification, dissolution of the relevant contents. 揭示现有制度内容的设置偏重国家就业政策的实现,而忽视了协议的合同本质,缺少合同成立、生效、履行、变更、解除的相关内容。
This paper analyzes the essence of the contract and the legal relationship. In fact, KODA is a high risk of product derived from financial. 本文从分析KODA合约的本质及其相关法律关系入手,得知KODA实质上是一种风险极高的金融衍生理财产品,纠纷产生的重要原因之一就是因为我国对金融衍生理财产品缺乏有效的监管。
The essence of the contract energy management is a way of energy saving business to reduce energy costs to pay the full cost of energy saving projects, which mainly carry out by the professional energy services company. 合同能源管理实质就是以减少的能源费用来支付节能项目全部成本的节能业务方式,主要是由专业化的节能服务公司来进行。
The essence of second question rests with the confirmation of the relationship between mandatory provisions and the effectiveness of contract. 第二个问题的实质在于确定强制性规定与合同效力之间的关系。
Its essence is a kind of relationship specific contract; Secondly, make a analysis on the contract structure of franchise contract and the relationship-specific investment. 其实质相当于一种关系专用性合约;其次,分析了特许经营合约的合约结构以及合约各方所进行的专用性投资。